Postdoc and engineer positions opened in LaBRI, Bordeaux
Dear colleagues, two positions are opened in Bordeaux at LaBRI ( * a postdoc position (one year) * a research engineer position […]
Dear colleagues, two positions are opened in Bordeaux at LaBRI ( * a postdoc position (one year) * a research engineer position […]
Chères collègues, Chers collègues, Je suis heureux de vous inviter à assister à mon séminaire de recherche à l’Université d’Angers s’intitulant «Jeux […]
Dear colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to a one day conference on Recent Advances in Fair Divisionthat we are organizing […]
Dear Colleagues We are pleased to invite you to the annual meeting of the Gaspard Monge Program for optimization and Operations research […]
Postdoc position (two years) at Luiss University on the topic Learning in strategic and stochastic environments This project lies at the interface […]
Dear all,I would like to advertise for this 2-year postdoc position that just opened in the joint team Inria-ENSAE-Criteo.We are looking for […]
*Highlights of Logic, Games, and Automata 2022 – Last call for Participation* The deadline for registrations to Highlights 2022 has been extended […]
Dear Colleagues, You are kindly invited to participate in the Workshop on Dynamic Games and Applications, to be held in Paris on […]
MATHS EN MOUVEMENT 2022L’édition 2022 de la conférence Mathématiques en mouvement, accessible aux étudiants dès la licence ou la 1ère année de CPGE, se tiendra […]
Dear friends,We invite attendees to a week-long workshop on game-theoretic statistics and safe anytime-valid inference from May 29 to Jun 3 in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The […]