• 3 Days MESSH (Mathematics for bio-Economics and Sustainability of fiSHeries), Brest, 17-18-19 janvier 2024
  • Stochastic Games in Frejus: 2nd Workshop on Stochastic Games, Fréjus, mai 2024
  • Game Theory Symposium, Marseille, 28-31 mai 2024
  • HEC Economics PhD Conference 2024, HEC, Jouy en Josas, 10-11 juin 2024
  • GAIMS (Games and Artificial Intelligence Multidisciplinary Sommer School), Université de Lorraine-Metz, 24-28 juin 2024
  • SING19 (19th European Meeting on Game Theory), Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, 8-10 juillet 2024






  • Stochastic Games in Frejus: 2nd Workshop on Stochastic Games, Fréjus, October, 2019
  • Inter’actions 2019 : colloque Inter’Actions en mathématiques 2019, Talence, May 20-24, 2019
  • FGS’19 : Conférence en optimisation Franco-Suisse, Nice, September 17-20, 2019
  • Balinski’19 : International Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions: A tribute to Michel Balinski, Paris, December 03-04, 2019



  • Mas-Mode 2017 : 1st day Mas-Mode, Paris, January 9, 2017
  • CIGNE 2017 : Summer School on Network Theory, Roscoff, June 19-23, 2017
  • PGMO Days 2017 : PGMO Days, Palaiseau, November, 2017
  • Stochastic Games in Frejus: 1st Workshop on Stochastic Games, Fréjus, October, 2017


  • GEL 2016 Winter Workshop : Geometry, Evolution and Learning in Games, Luchon, January 4-8, 2016
  • NetEcon 2016 : The 11th Workshop on the Economics of Networks, Systems and Computation, June 14, 2016
  • NETGCOOP 2016 : International conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization Avignon, November 23-25, 2016
  • PGMO DAYS 2016 : Paris Saclay (EDF Labs), November 8-9, 2016

