Annonce post-doc Cermade Paris Dauphine

Up to two years of research postdoc position in applied mathematics are available at CEREMADE, Paris Dauphine University, starting from October 1st, 2023, with some flexibility. The applicant will conduct research on topics related to the ANR 

“Convergence of zero-sum games dynamics”, under the supervision of Joon Kwon and Bruno Ziliotto. 

The first part of the project focuses on large-scale properties of discrete-time and continuous-time dynamic decision problems (Markov Decision Processes, Stochastic Games, Differential Games) and their connections with Hamilton-Jacobi equations and percolation.

The second part applies optimization and online learning tools (Blackwell’s approachability, gradient/mirror descent…) to the design of online procedures that allow to solve various models of zero-sum games and extensive-form games.

More details on the project can be found here:

The applicant should send a CV that contains a list of publications and the contact of at least two academic references, at the adresses and

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.