Pour info, deux annonces de post-doc en jeux en Italie.
The call for a postdoc position of the duration of 18 months starting on 01.03.2024 at the University of Milano-Bicocca on the topic « Evolutionary games and their applications to the study of socio-economic phenomena » (scientific supervisor: Prof. Marina Pireddu) is available here:
Deadline for applications: 21 December 2023 at 12 am (Italian time).
Please feel free to forward this message to potentially interested candidates.
Best regards,
Marina Pireddu
Dear all,
The Department MEMOTEF, University of Roma Sapienza, is calling for applications for a postdoc funded by the PRIN 2022: Stochastic control and games and the role of information (PI: Prof. Claudia Ceci, 12 months).
The postdoctoral fellows should have completed, or be close to completing, a PhD.
The deadline to apply is December, 29 2023.
The call is available here:
Please feel free to forward this email to potentially interested candidates.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Claudia Ceci