7th World Congress of the GTS

Bonjour, voici une annonce qui devrait intéresser toute la communauté théorie des jeux. 

Meilleurs voeux pour 2024! 


7th World Congress

Dear Colleague:
We are pleased to announce that submissions to the 7th World Congress of The Game Theory Society are now open. 
The world congress will take place at Peking University, Beijing, China, from August 19th to 23rd, 2024. 
Keynote speakers are:
Michihiro Kandori, University of Tokyo (President’s talk)
Gabrielle Demange, Paris School of Economics (President-elect’s talk)
Ariel Rubinstein, Tel Aviv University and New York University (Morgenstern Lecture)
Françoise Forges, Paris Dauphine-PSL University (von Neumann Lecture)
Ben Golub, Northwestern University (Shapley Lecture)

More information on the congress is available here
Submission of papers takes place through this platform. Please note the deadline for submitting your work is 31/01/2024.
We wish you all the best for 2024 and look forward to seeing you in Beijing. 

Michihiro Kandori, President of the Game Theory SocietyOn behalf of the steering committee